When an adult lies down on their cosy and soft pillow, they might also feel the need to give their baby that sort of comfort too. Yes, one cannot deny that pillows can provide greatest comfort and they also promote some good sleeping postures.

But as per experts, it is kind of unwise to give a pillow to a baby. This is because; pillows can be dangerous to them.

Should a Newborn Baby use pillows?

As the baby’s comfort is the prime importance to any parent, one will try everything to keep the baby comfortable and cosy. That is why; they can wonder whether they should buy a baby pillow set for their babies or not. But it is not recommended here. It is seen that any sort of soft bedding material can lead to choking hazards and suffocation among the babies.

Why pillows are not recommended?

Parents might wonder why pillows are not recommended for the baby. The major reason behind it is that, the baby lacks proper neck and head control during the initial months post birth. This means that in any situation the baby’s mouth or nose may get covered in the pillow or the soft bedding material where they are unable to move their head away. It can lead to choking and suffocation as mentioned above.

Pillows not recommended for babies

The young babies are very sensitive to various allergens like dust mites, feathers and others. Sleeping pillows can lead to allergic reactions to the baby as well. Hence paediatricians mostly recommend to lay the baby down on a flat and firm surface and do not use any over sized blankets.

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When can a Baby use Pillows?

Well, the babies can start using pillows once they are 2 to 3 years old or above. But when the baby is below 2, there are some cases where the paediatricians may recommend using a pillow. These are only applicable if the baby is suffering from chronic cold, ear infection and reflux. There are specially made reflux pillows which are used to raise the baby’s head. In these cases the parents need to be watchful and alert all the time.

How to choose the Right Pillow for an Infant?

When choosing baby pillows online one must keep a few things in mind:

  • One should go for a pillow which is flat and firm for the baby. But as the baby grows older (7-8 years old) one can choose similar adult pillows as well.
  • If the baby is old enough to get a pillow but they still sleep in a crib, then one must get a compact and smaller pillow that fits the crib.
  • All the experts recommend using pure cotton covers for the baby’s pillow as they are comfortable and soft for the baby. Also, choose lighter colours so that they can be changed when gets soiled.

These are the very important things that a parent should learn when it comes to providing pillows to the baby.

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Last Update: May 20, 2022

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