When you think of a nursery school, you probably think of a small, pristine space filled with flowers and clean, white walls. You probably don’t think of a nursery school filled with children and their teachers, infants and toddlers, clapping and dancing as they practice reading, writing, and math.

You may be right. In the early 1900s, many Americans viewed a nursery school as a dirty and smelly place. However, today, many parents regard it as the perfect place to learn. Many believe a nursery school is a good way to ease kids into school so they are ready for the big day. Regardless of where you stand on the subject, you will undoubtedly agree that there are a lot of best educational toys for 2 year olds kids.

With the recent surge in nursery schools, nursery school supplies have become as essential as classroom supplies. Check out these top-notch nursery school toys on GIGI Bloks to bring your little ones in-line with the times.


Books are a great way to get young children interested in reading. While it is true that there are many educational toys that have books of their own, books are a great way to encourage reading. This is because kids like to look at and interact with books in a variety of ways: reading is often linked to entertainment, and reading with a child can be an incredibly engaging way to pass the time.

If you have a little one, here are a few books that will help your little one become a reader.

Nursery Rhymes

These are one of the best ways to get your young ones in the habit of reading. With so many popular nursery rhymes around, it’s easy to help your child acquire a love for reading. Check out these nursery rhymes for children.

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Computer Games

Computer games are perfect for children who are learning to read. They are engaging, allow for creative problem-solving, and help your child build reading skills. Here are a few computer games for young children to get them started.

Games That Make Learning Easy

Learning games are perfect for kids who are learning to read. These games help your child move past learning the letters and words for single words such as “dog” and “cat” and enable them to move on to learning to recognize and name various animals and objects. Here are a few learning games for kids.

Reading and Writing Books

Reading and writing books are essential to teaching young children how to read and write. Reading books are a great way to get your little one on the right track with reading. Writing books, on the other hand, are a great way to help your child develop basic writing skills.

Here are some great books for children.

Construction Toys

Construction toys are perfect for helping your child develop essential skills such as spoon-feeding, hand-eye coordination, and sensory awareness. Here are some toys for young children that teach these important skills.

Stages toys

Stage toys are ideal for helping your child navigate the early years of school. These toys provide the perfect opportunity for kids to experience what it’s like to be in school. Stage toys also help your child prepare for standardized testing and achieve a higher level of academic success. Here are a few stage toys for kids.

Materials and supplies for a nursery school

Construction toys, stage toys, and educational toys all cost money, and not every family has access to them. Parents may want to consider purchasing these items on Amazon, or they may be able to borrow them from the library.

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Here are a few items that any family with a little one will need for a nursery school. A cot is an essential nursery school purchase, but you may wish to look into purchasing a twin or single cot so that you have additional space for naptime or reading.


Nursery schools are a great place for children to get their skills practice while still in the womb. In fact, research has shown that being in a nursery school setting triggers a sense of smell in kids that stays in the brain much longer than if they had been in a regular class room setting. While there are many benefits to being in a regular classroom, kids benefit the most from being in a nursery school.

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Last Update: April 17, 2022

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