GTIN Exemption on Amazon is short for Global Trade Item Number. It is a unique product identifier printed underneath an item’s barcode. Almost every item sold on Amazon uses a GTIN. In fact, sellers need GTINs to create new product listings.

But as we mentioned above, some merchants can apply for a GTIN exemption. This will allow them to sell non-barcoded items on Amazon.

Here are the three main types of items that qualify for a GTIN exemption:

1) Handmade products and craft supplies – These products generally don’t come with UPCs or GTINs of their own, so they are allowed to list on Amazon without one.

2) Books – These items already have an ISBN number, so they don’t need a GTIN in addition to that.

3) Magazines and newspapers – These products typically don’t have individual barcodes of their own. They fall under the same category as books, which is why they are also exempt from the requirement to have a GTIN listed on Amazon Marketplace

When to Apply For Amazon GTIN Exemption

A GTIN exception is a temporary measure that lets you sell on Amazon without a barcode. It’s an ideal option for resellers and importers, or people selling private-label or handmade products. However, it’s not always easy to get one

Brands need a Global Standards 1 (or GS1) registered barcode to sell in the marketplace. This is the only way to get a GTIN approved by Amazon. But these are expensive, so this option is not available for everyone. That’s where the GTIN exemption comes in handy.

The only problem is that it’s also limited and often difficult to obtain. Products that do not have an approved GTIN will be removed from Amazon. This can happen if you are selling something that has never been sold on Amazon before or isn’t listed in the catalog.

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It can also happen if you are trying to sell a product without its original packaging or with custom labels. In this case, Amazon will ask you to apply for a GTIN exemption.

Keep in mind that GTIN exemption is a short-term strategy. It’s meant as a last resort. Back in 2017, Amazon created a new category for private label sellers. It’s called ‘Products requiring approval’.It was necessary because of the lack of product data, which makes it hard to track these products on Amazon.

In order to get approval from Amazon, you need to have a proof of authenticity:

GTIN (Global Trade Item Number)

UPC (Universal Product Code)

EAN (European Article Number)

ISBN (International Standard Book Number)

JAN (Japanese Article Number)

But there are certain types of products that do not require GTIN or UPC. And there are specific requirements needed to get a GTIN exemption.

What is UPC (Universal Product Code)

A universal product code or UPC is a machine-readable code that appears on most retail products. It’s usually found on the packaging of a product, where it can be scanned at the point of sale.

Amazon uses the Global Trade Item Number or GTIN to identify products. GTIN is a super-set of UPC.

A GTIN exception is an ideal option for resellers and importers. It’s also available for private-label or Amazon handmade products.

But there are cases when you don’t need one and it’s not even recommended to apply for one.

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Last Update: April 20, 2022

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