Tattoo balms are a type of tattoo preparation product that many people have heard about. There are numerous products on the market to help with aftercare for tattoos. There are a lot of products on the market that claim to protect your new tattoos. It can be hard to decide which one to use.

Tattoo balms are well worth the money, and they may either accelerate or delay the healing process depending on how fresh your new ink is. However, there’s more to learn about how they function, and it’s crucial to understand how to apply them appropriately.

In this post, you’ll learn about what tattoo balms are and do, as well as which ones to try. You’ll also discover how often and for how long to use them, so check out the pointers and information below to gain more information.

What do tattoo balms do?

Following a tattoo, tattoo balms are intended to protect your skin and aid its healing process. Your skin is punctured over and over again by a needle when you get a tattoo. Even though you view this experience as art, your skin regards it as a wound, and it will immediately begin attempting to mend itself.

Unfortunately, without the right protection, your skin may suffer infections or scars after a tattoo. If not treated swiftly and appropriately, the tattoo may appear unsightly and can even lead to further problems if left unchecked. You can prevent this issue by using a tattoo balm, which will help you return your skin to normal as soon as possible while also providing new ink.

Do you really need to use a tattoo balm?

Although some individuals who get a tattoo do not use a tattoo balm throughout the healing process, they should. While it is not always necessary, employing a high-quality tattoo balm may make a significant impact on how your skin looks and feels after the tattoo has healed.

A tattoo balm also promotes skin health. When you use a tattoo lotion, your skin will feel much better. Following a tattoo, your skin may be itchy, flaky, or scabbed. You can get rid of the majority if not all of these symptoms when you apply the right balm.

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Many lotions on the market include chemicals that can damage your new tattoo. This can cause skin irritation.

When should you start applying a balm after getting a tattoo?

While different tattoos have varying requirements, removing the bandages from your new tattoo around four or five hours after it is finished is usually a good idea. This way, you’ll give your tattoo time to heal but also allow it to breathe shortly after.

The sooner you remove the bandages, the sooner you should apply a tattoo balm. The sooner you start applying a balm like this, the better your skin will heal.

How long do balms last after applying?

After you’ve applied the tattoo balm of your choice, you can anticipate it to moisturize and heal your skin for around eight hours. This period is determined by the size of the design and your skin’s general condition. This time may range from a few weeks to several months, depending on the design and your skin’s health as a whole. Keep in mind that you must drink lots of water so that your cream will remain longer and assist your skin retain moisture more readily.

Depending on your demands, you should apply your balm three times a day. Apply it at least twice and no more than four times each day to get the best results.

How long should you use a balm after getting a tattoo?

Once your tattoo has healed, you should continue to use your tattoo balm. The size and placement of your tattoo, as well as your general health, will all affect how long it takes for your tattoo to fully recover; nevertheless, the average period is around two weeks.

Apply your tattoo balm at least twice a day (and three times a day if feasible) for the following two weeks. Check your skin during this time. If your skin appears to require an additional week’s worth of moisturizing, there is no ill effect.

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What are the most common ingredients in a tattoo balm?

There are several different varieties of tattoo balm on the market, and each one has its own set of ingredients. It’s a good idea to use balms that contain all-natural substances so your skin can get all the nutrients it needs during the healing process.

You may discover flavors like cocoa butter or shea butter, beeswax, almond oil, mango butter, green tea, or peppermint oil in your tattoo balm. You could also get a tattoo balm that contains vitamins and aromatic oils to help heal your skin.

What are some of the best brands of tattoo balm?

You may be wondering what to look for in a tattoo balm now, or if it’s even important which components or kind of balm you choose. It is crucial, and understanding what to search for in a reputable balm can help you end up with the best product for your needs.

It’s critical to avoid balms containing lanolin or petroleum, as these ingredients can clog up your pores and really impede the healing of your tattoo in the proper manner. The first ingredient to look for in a balm should be natural, and there are a few top brands to investigate if you’re searching for the ideal balm.

Mad Rabbit

If you are looking for a tattoo balm that is well-known, Mad Rabbit is a good choice. It helps to keep your skin healthy and moistened while also not leaving behind an oily residue.

This balm, which contains high-quality all-natural components that are gentle on sensitive or irritated skin, is scented to make it more pleasant to use. Many tattoo artists have recommended this lotion as their preferred balm due to its smell.

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Ora’s Tattoo Salve

The ORA tattoo salve is one of my personal favorites for aftercare. It’s completely natural, and it does an outstanding job at alleviating the itching discomfort that appears on your skin within a few days after getting a new tattoo.

I also like to use Ora’s on my tattoos when they’ve had ample time to heal. Every week or two, I apply a small amount of the salve to all of my tattoos. You may read more about this ointment in greater detail in my essay here.

Hustle Butter Deluxe

The best product for me is the one that can be applied easily and quickly by anybody, not just a professional. The tattoo artists I’ve spoken with consistently suggest Hustle Butter Deluxe , which is also one of the most popular tattoo balms. This balm, which includes green tea and vitamin E, is a well-rounded cure that heals and moisturizes rapidly because it is composed of natural ingredients.

The Ultra Balm is a dermatological balm designed to reduce inflammation and irritation in dry, damaged skin. It can aid in the reduction of any swelling that may develop on the surface following your tattoo, and it does not leave behind any greasy residue when applied. This lotion is an excellent alternative for individuals who are getting their first tattoos.


When you spend some time selecting the finest tattoo balm, you’re beginning the process of healing your skin. Whether you’re getting your first tattoo or have many tattoos of your own, whether it’s a spectacular work of art or something much smaller, you must do all possible to take care of your skin following a tattoo.

Also, don’t forget that aftercare is crucial. Make sure to pay attention to what your tattoo artist has to say when it comes to aftercare. Your specialist knows best and can give you the most up-to-date information focused on your demands. While you’re there, ask them for a recommendation for tattoo balm!


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Last Update: April 26, 2022