Apart from vaccinations, a walk in the evening or morning, and playing with toys, there is one more important thing that most dog owners can’t miss and that is nutrition. Feeding the dog properly is the most important aspect of parenting. From checking what’s best for your dog to scouring the internet for the best ingredients, there are many prerequisites for a healthy life for a dog. But are you sure that you are not missing anything?

All your efforts to maintain the nutritional value of your dog might dissipate if you aren’t using the right type of dow bowl. Yes, you read it right. The type of dog bowl you use can have a direct effect on the overall health of your dog. 

While many people choose a dog bowl with storage on the basis of how alluring it is or they simply follow the trend, there are many other things that must be kept in consideration while choosing a dog bowl with storage and this is what we are going to address in this blog post. 

Here are some factors that you should consider while choosing an elevated dog bowl with storage for your pet.

How old is your dog?

The age of the dog is going to play a significant role in which type of elevated dog bowl with storage you need to choose. Apart from this, you also need to keep any medical condition of your dog in mind before making the final decision.

This is necessary because the age of your dog can help you in determining how much your dog can bend towards their bowl and eat. It doesn’t matter whether you have a puppy or an adult dog, every life stage brings in its own set of challenges. 

  • A less shallow bowl allows the dog to reach every corner of the bowl with his or her tongue and therefore, they can finish the entire bowl without any fuss. 
  • The jaw size of adult dogs differs. If your dog has a long snout then a shallow bowl will be a better choice as such bowls allows the dog to keep their ear away from the bowl and it also provides them with enough space to reach the food. 
  • If you have a senior dog then it becomes necessary to choose an elevated dog bowl with storage as such dogs have difficulty bending forward, especially because of issues like arthritis.
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What is the breed of your dog?

This is another factor to consider before deciding on a dog bowl. The breed of the dog determines his body structure, energy level, and jaw size and therefore, one should never use the one-size-fits-all approach while choosing a dog bowl.

Although there are some exceptions like in the case of retrievers, this doesn’t mean you should ignore the breed of your dog while making the final decision. 

If you have a dog of a small breed then you must stick to shallow bowls as they are much more appropriate.

Larger breeds always prefer wide and deep bowls but apart from this, you also need to raise the bowl off the floor as larger breeds are tall at the shoulder. Even certain research shows that dogs of a larger breed shouldn’t be bending their heads while eating from a bowl.

What is the chest-to-waist ratio?

The one main reason why you should never be using a one-size-fits-all approach is the chest-to-waist ratio of every dog is different because of their body structure. If a dog continues to eat in an uneven position then this can lead to bloating.

The problem of bloating is most common in barrel-chested dogs. Such dogs have barrel-shaped chests which are usually wider from the top and leaner from the bottom. 

Why elevated dog bowls are a much better option?

An elevated dog dish with storage is not just another fad in the dog bowl industry as it offers numerous advantages over a normal bowl and it is here to stay forever. There are many elevated dog bowls in the market to choose from since they have become a buzzword in the last couple of years.

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The elevated dog dish with storage allows the dog to maintain proper posture and when the posture is maintained, your dog won’t have to bend anymore for consuming the food. This means your dog has to deal with fewer medical problems that usually arise because of bending too much to eat.

Deciding on the right type of dog bowl is not rocket science as it is only the ignorance of the role played by the dog’s bowl in the healthy lifestyle of the dog that makes people choose the wrong bowl. So use this blog post as a guide to make the right decision and make consuming food easy and healthy for your dog.

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Last Update: April 29, 2022