Are you facing a slower internet connection? Does installing a Netgear extender not offer much? Well, no matter how powerful the Netgear extender you are using, without the proper placement, it won’t serve you the best. That is why you should be aware of the proper placement of the Netgear extender.

Having the right location of the Netgear extender keeps many network issues at bay. Moreover, you get maximum network coverage and internet connectivity. So, it would be a wise decision if you know how and where to place the extender before performing the new extender setup process. Read on.

Perfect Netgear Extender Placement Guide

Central Location

The central location is subjective to every individual. It also depends on the area of your house. In case you want internet connectivity on the first floor, it is going to affect the placement of the Netgear extender.

Thus, you should place the extender while keeping the centrality of your house in check. To provide WiFi signals to the upper floors, you can mount the extender closer to the wall. Just make sure nothing is hampering the direct flow of WiFi signals.

No Reflective Surfaces

These days houses are full of glasses, shiny, or reflective surfaces. It might look appealing. However, mirrors and other reflective surfaces hamper WiFi connectivity. These reflect the WiFi signals in other directions.

Hence, you might not have the required signals in the desired location or direction. To solve that, you need to get rid of all the reflective surfaces while placing your router. Make sure you don’t place the router closer to such surfaces.

Get Rid of Electrical Appliances

You might not get the required speed or range when you connect to the Netgear_ext. That could be due to various electrical appliances placed closer to your Netgear extender. It happens because electric appliances emit radio waves as well.

Hence, it interferes with the extender’s WiFi range and signals. So, you should not place the extender closer to other devices. If possible, don’t place other electric appliances near the extender.

Remove Water Sources

Similar to reflective surfaces, water sources also offer hindrance to the WiFi signals. Therefore, if you have any fish tanks or water containers around the extender, you should get rid of them. If you can’t remove the water sources, make sure you change the extender placement.

WiFi signals can’t travel through thick liquids like water. Therefore, placing the extender closer to water sources is surely going to hamper its connectivity, range, and speed.

No Cornering the Extender

Is your Netgear extender placed in a corner? If yes, that is one of the most common mistakes done by people. In this case, most of the WiFi signals are getting lost in a corner. Or, it is getting out in the wrong direction.

Thus, no matter how powerful the extender you are using, you are going to experience issues with internet connection and speed. Furthermore, make sure there are no windows as well closer to your extender.

Keep in the Router’s Range

Mostly, people place the extender out of the reach of the router. In that case, the extender either receives no signal from the router or very weak internet signals. Hence, it won’t work at its best.

In short, you should know about the range of the router as well as the Netgear extender. Furthermore, place the extender within the router’s range. That permits the extender to boost the current WiFi network.

Away From Other WiFi Emitting Devices

Do you know anything else that emits WiFi signals? If yes, keep the Netgear extender away from that. Placing it closer to the other WiFi signals will create a mess in the network. Hence, the signals will get intermixed which is going to be a major problem.

So, either place the extender at a safe distance or completely remove other devices. It ensures there are no hindrances in the WiFi path.

Sum Up

You can even check the internet speed emitted by your extender. For that, you can access and check that from that dashboard. In case you are facing internet connectivity issues, try eliminating hindrances placed around the extender. Doing that ensures you get the best internet connectivity in every corner of the house.

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Last Update: April 12, 2022

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