Blinds are now the most important part of our home because they provide an additional and practical styling to our house windows. They also help us to take away the sunlight during the hot days in summer and with that these blinds are the perfect source of getting privacy of your house.

Blinds also help to add some value to the decoration of your home. But, sadly like everything else in a home these are also capable of catching dust, and dirt and getting dirty very soon.

Sometimes, people left buying blinds because they think that cleaning their blinds is a very challenging and costly task to do but they are wrong because you can clean your blinds at your house with ease you only just need a few items to get rid of all dirt and dust from you lovely and favourite blinds.

In the end, all you have to do is to do follow the steps that are as follows. So, let’s see what necessary steps can be taken when you try to clean them.

Prepare and Gather Your Items:

The first is to prepare your blinds to clean them if you clean them while hanging then it is better and if you don’t then take them off and place them on the floor or on a table or anywhere else where you are easy to clean them.

All of them have the same process of cleaning that process is known as spot cleaning in which you just need a clean damp cloth and some soapy water to clean the stains and get rid of dirt.

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But some of them require extra care while cleaning for that purpose they require more time and attention while cleaning. You have to gather all equipment that is required to clean them.

  • A Vacuum Cleaner
  • Dish Soap
  • A Ladder
  • A Clean Piece of Microfiber Cloth

These are the necessary equipment that is a must to have while cleaning the blinds on your own at your home.

Dust or Vacuum The Blinds:

Before cleaning them, the good practice is that you should dust or vacuum the blind to get rid of dust or dirt before you go for the tough stains. Just follow the following steps:

  1. For Vertical Blinds: Start to form the top of every slat and start dusting and moving downwards or just use vacuum form celling towards to floor.
  2. For Roman Blinds: Close them and let them overlap and then start dusting them.
  3. Wood Blinds: place them on a table and start dusting them with a microfiber cloth.
  4. Flip them and repeat the process.

By following these steps, you can remove every bit of dirt from the surface and then you can move to the next step.

Tackle All Stains:

The final step is to tackle stains for that purpose you need a tub of warm water and some cleaning powder or dishwashing soap. Soak a microfiber cloth or a rug in water and start cleaning and mainly focus on the tough stains. But make sure that you didn’t use too much soap in the water.

Especially in the case of wood blinds don’t use extra water or more wet because it can cause them to mould and destroy their shape because wood can absorb water more quickly. For cleaning them you can use a damp cloth and then rub on the surface and clean it. If you have a wet cloth on the wood blinds then make sure you also clean it with a dry cloth after using the wet one.

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Precautions That Should Be Kept In Mind:

There are some precautions that you should keep in mind before cleaning your blinds. These precautions can vary as are the following:

For Vinyl or Aluminium Blinds: if you have vinyl or aluminium blinds in the kitchen of your home then you have the knowledge that these blinds can attract grease and mostly tough stains of oil.

You can wipe out those stains but you have to take down them and soak them in soapy water for some time to get rid of grease make sure that you didn’t soak them fully because they have a frame made of steel which can get rusty in you submerged it in water.

For Wood and Faux Blinds:

Wood blinds take extra care while cleaning them. For that purpose, keep some things in your mind.

  • First, dust them with only a dry piece of cloth.
  • Second use a wood conditioner where you think it is required.
  • Never use cleaning products that are not specified for cleaning wood blinds.
  • Never use too much water to clean these blinds because it can destroy the shape of these amazing blinds.


Cleaning the blinds of your home is very important to get the fresh air from outside. As mentioned above that they can capture air pollutants and dirt in them which also makes the air dirty which from outside of the home.

That is why cleaning them regularly is an important task to do and if anyone in your home has asthma disease then you should pay attention to cleaning them once in a while to save the life of your family member.

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So, always take care of your house and the household regularly which makes to be with you for a very long period.