It can be challenging to keep all finances secure. Bills, payments, debt, and multiple events attribute a financial loss. Even with a well-paying job – it’s challenging to stay on top of spending. Don’t let financial troubles get you down. Here are a few helpful tips to help you stay on top of your finances.

Set up automatic payments

If you have a steady job, it is time to set up reoccurring payments. A study in 2018 found that the number one reason for late payment is forgetting to pay. Don’t let yourself forget, especially when you have the funds to pay the bill. If you can afford to set automatic payments, do so now to prevent late penalty charges.

Open an Online Bank Account

After a hard day at work, the last thing you want to do is make a trip to the bank to cash your paycheck. Online banking makes it easy for people to access everything a brick-and-mortar store provides. You can set up a savings account, deposit checks, and review your statements online. You can cash your checks instantly and keep track of your funds 24/7.

Track Spending

It can be challenging to keep track of spending. Many people don’t realize how often they make a purchase. 61% of Americans do not keep track of their money. It can be easy to forget the bag of popcorn you bought at the movie theatre, a fill-up of gas, or a new shirt. It’s easy to track your spending, especially with monthly statements from a bank. If you keep track of your spending, you can learn how to budget better.

Budget Your Money

Give yourself a weekly or monthly allowance. It will help you figure out how much money you spend a week and how to cut back on unnecessary purchases. Create a spreadsheet of what you pay in bills, payments, groceries, and other expenses.

Or, most online banking systems allow text alerts when you spend a specific amount of money. That way, you can tell if you’ve gone over your monthly budget. Then, try to bring your cost of living down. You will notice a significant amount of money saved each month once you begin to budget.


If you are serious about understanding your finances, financial education may be helpful. The CEO of OneUnited Bank, Kevin Cohee, offers financial education to help keep your finances in order. That’s because Cohee understands how important it is to keep track of finances.

Financial education is rarely taught in schools, and most do not know the first thing about finances. Education is a great route to take to understand financial freedom. Take advantage of a class to help you understand how to save, invest, and profit from your financial choices.

There are plenty of ways to take control of your life. One way is to take control of your finances, so they no longer burden you and only help you succeed.


Categorized in:

Finance, How To,

Last Update: April 7, 2022