There are ways to cleanse the lungs naturally. over Pollution, bad habits and the environment are the leading causes of lung problems. About 65 million people suffer from lung disease. This does not mean that there is no way to keep this organ healthy. We have been trying to make sure that everyone stays healthy. If you are facing lungs problem you must consult with your doctor or book lab test. You can view online lab tests reports of different labs. Like chughtai lab test price list is available on internet. The tips given by experts can help us to heal our lungs.

Drink lung cleansing drinks

Drink cleansing drinks to improve the condition of the lungs. Between 2 weeks and 3 months, the improvement results start to show. After a few months, you will start to feel more healthier. In such type of problem, there are some drinks that Can help reduce mucus and detoxify the lungs.

Includes honey and hot water, lemon water, green tea, carrot juice, turmeric and ginger, banana, spinach and berry drinks. Every person should view chughtai lab test price list before booking the lungs test.

 Salt therapy

Salt therapy involves breathing in air with small salt particles. This is called halo therapy and is an alternative treatment for lung problems such as asthma, bronchitis and cough. You can buy a Himalayan salt lamp and use it at home.

Take oregano oil

This oil naturally cleanses the lungs. To use it, take 50-50 grams of oregano oil and almond oil and mix it. Put 1-2 drops under your tongue and keep it for 3-5 minutes. Then rinse with water. Do this 3 times a day for 4 weeks for best results.

Use of humidifier

For easy breathing, you can use a cold fog humidifier or take a bath with hot water. To avoid skin problems, take a bath 2 to 3 times a week. The water should not be too hot. Take a bath with hot water. Do not do it more than 3 times a week.

Detoxifying Use anti-inflammatory foods such as spicy foods, radishes and herbs. Some foods increase the mucus in your lungs. Dairy products, including cheese, butter, yoghurt, kefir and milk. Processed foods such as canned meat and other items.

Clean your tongue

To protect your lungs, brush your tongue thoroughly. We brush our teeth properly but forget our tongues. Often bacteria accumulate on the tongue.

Exercise for the lungs

The lungs play a vital role in our body, although many of us are unaware that we can improve lung function through exercise. The air we breathe contains a variety of pollutants from pollen. Everything from chemicals to air can enter our lungs.

The lungs are primarily self-cleaning organs, but some things can be done to improve their function. Exercises are included

Use an air purifier

You can buy an air purifier that can be placed in individual rooms. You can also invest in a home cleaner.

Replace your home filter

In addition to using an air purifier, all filters in your home must be replaced, and all vents must be cleaned, such as a bathroom or air conditioning or heating vent. Your furnace filter must be replaced every six months. Many diseases are occur due to poor condition water. You can also maintain your health by doing lab tests. Firstly you should see chughtai lab test price list and then book lab tests.

Avoid artificial fragrances

Avoid using air fresheners and candles in your home air. These fragrances are often filled with harmful chemicals that can damage your lungs.

Even chemicals used in household cleaners contain chemicals harmful to the lungs, so replace these cleaners with natural products.

Spend more time outside

Adequate fresh air can help your lung tissues to dilate and function properly. Avoid exercising outside when pollution is high and stay away from burning rubbish, burning wood or other fumes. Are you concerned about pollution, or do you live in an area with high pollution levels?

Breathing exercises

Some breathing exercises can improve lung function, especially for those who are currently smoking, those who have smoked in the past, or those whose lungs have been damaged by chronic lung disease. Lungs tests determines the condition of lungs. Patients with disease visit chughtai lab test price list and then book lab tests.

Some tools can help you practice breathing, such as the Spiro Metras type device, which is often used to help with post-surgery rehabilitation.

Practice collision

Bumping or chest-bumping is a technique that can help expel mucus from the lungs. It involves lying down with your head down and tapping lightly on your back.

This is often combined with postural drainage. A technique where you change the position of your body to make it easier for mucus to pass out of the lungs. You can be on your side, abdomen, or back.

Many people with cystic fibrosis or pneumonia use bumps and postural drainage. The back of the person is tapped firmly with the hands of the cloth, which opens up the secretions. Is.

Change your diet

Your diet can affect the health of your lungs in a variety of ways. Eating foods rich in vitamin D can improve their health. Reduced the number of patients who needed corticosteroid treatment

If you have chronic lung disease, it is essential to talk to your doctor before exercising to have the proper routine.

Some cleaning products can worsen certain lung conditions, so be sure to talk to your doctor before using any unique cleaning products.


You will want to start with prevention and make healthy choices for their better health. For example, quitting smoking, exercising regularly, suitable for your fitness level, and eating nutritious food will improve your performance. It would help if you also talked to your doctor about other steps you can take to improve the health of your lungs. On the other hand you need to bok lab tests after viewing chughtai lab test price list.


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Last Update: March 23, 2022