We live in a generation where every expense is inflating, whether it’s a household or fuel expense. Moreover, using the commuters like cars and bikes is a hassle-free option for commuting, but lately many individuals started considering it a headache. Especially after the Russian invasion on Ukraine, the fuel prices have reached their peak. Therefore many individuals have started looking for credit cards that could help them to minimise their fuel expenses. Usually, most of the credit cards in the market offer some amount of fuel surcharge waiver per month. But there are some credit cards which are specially designed to cater the fuel needs and help individuals to minimise their fuel expenses. To avail of the credit cards catering fuel needs, you need to have a good Credit score as the banks and financial institutions prefer to cater for the individuals with a good credit score.


A credit score is the numeric demonstration of an individual’s creditworthiness. It falls under the 300-900 range. The banks and financial institutions prefer individuals who have a credit score above 600. So it’s better to have a credit score closer to 900 as it’s highly acceptable for approval of loans and new credit cards.

Best Fuel Credit cards that will minimise your fuel expenses

Fuel expenses have the potential to disturb our financial balance. Therefore some banks and financial institutions have created credit cards especially to tackle and minimise our fuel expenses. Some of the fuel credit cards are as follows:-

IndianOil Axis bank credit card

IndianOil Axis bank credit card is truly a good credit card. It lets us avail the benefit of cashback on our daily fuel and other expenses.  It is an efficient credit card as it fulfils the need for INR 5,000 per month in a month along with an annual fee waiver as well. Not sticking to the annual waiver this card got much to give, which are as follows:-

  • Cashback of up to 100% on fuel expense on the first month of card issuance. 
  • Make the fuel payment on IndiaOil petrol pump outlets with this credit card and avail the accelerated rewards points.  (T&C apply)
  • Avail up to a 10% discount on BookMyShow.
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BPCL SBI card Octane

BPCL SBI card Octane is one of the good credit cards in the market of fuel credit cards. It is a very reasonable and efficient credit card. It comes with a huge number of benefits such as 6000 reward points at the beginning and that’s not the end. There are more which are as follows:-

  • Up to 25 reward points on spend of INR 100 on Bharat Petroleum Gas stations. 
  • It lets you avail the benefit of having four visits to domestic VISA lounges.
  •  One of the best parts of this card is that it provides the complimentary fraud liability cover of One Lakh Rupee.

HDFC Bharat Cashback Credit Card

The HDFC Bharat Cashback Credit Card is also considered a very efficient credit card. It not only minimises your fuel expense but also comes along with numerous benefits. One of the key benefits is that it helps you to save up to Three thousand six hundred rupees every year. More benefits of this credit card are as follows:- 

  • This credit card gives you 50 interest-free days from the day of issuance.
  • Cashback of up to 5% on every fuel, IRCTC tickets, mobile recharges and grocery bill.
  • Fuel surcharge waiver of 1% on the minimum transaction of four hundred rupees.

IndianOil Citibank Platinum Credit card

Citibank designed this credit card in collaboration with IndianOil. This credit card is considered one of the best credit cards available in the market, which lets you earn reward points and as well as saves on your fuel purchases. You can earn the turbo points by paying bills using this card. This credit card comes along with the welcome gift and also with the rewards on every transaction made for fuel and grocery bills

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Some of the key benefits of the IndianOil Citibank Platinum Credit cards are as follows:-

  • Spend INR 150 on an Indian Oil gas station and earn 4 turbo points.
  • Use this credit card to pay for groceries bills and earn 2 turbo points on every INR 150 spent.
  • Earn up to 250 turbo points on the first month of a credit card. 
  • The best part of this credit card is that you can avail of 71 litres of fuel annually( T&C apply)
  • Avail of up to 15% Discount on the partner restaurants.


Read Also: Know About Personal Loan Benefits


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Last Update: May 5, 2022

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