For the job of accountant or in a filed of accountancy economy is doesn’t matter. Anyone can quickly get a job or work in the field. Taking Completing online accountancy classes is the best way to learn accountancy for every student. Accountancy is the subject of both numerical and theoretical. In this article, we will explain to you the advantages of online classes and how it can be helpful to score good and highest marks in exams. Also, in this article, we provide the updated class 12 accountancy syllabus of term-1 and term-2 exams. 

Advantages of Online Classes 

 Now let’s discuss the benefits of online accountancy classes and how they help save students’ time, also how they can be helpful to achieve good marks in exams.

Flexible Timing Schedule

In online accountancy classes, you can set the time of learning according to your comfort. In offline courses, every student needs to attend classes physically at the perfect time. But in online classes, you can also record the lessons and watch them whenever you want. You can also join class 12 accounts classes at vidya setu. And score the good marks in exams.

Improves your Computer Skills

As we know nowadays, everything has become digitalized. And without having a proper computer, no one can get the job quickly. Taking accountancy online classes helps you improve your accounting skills. It improves your computer skills, which is very important at present. 

Save Money

Sometimes the expense of online classes is not cheaper than offline classes. But online accountancy classes save you money on travel, and you can select the course or buy the system whenever you want.

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More Time For Practice and Revision

In online classes, you can easily cover your syllabus in very little time. In remaining time you can do the proper revision and practice. Also, in the remaining time, you can solve sample books which are helpful to score good marks in exams.

Better Attendance

Sometimes it feels like trouble waking up for classes in the early morning. But in online courses, you can watch the lessons any time or whenever you want. In case if a student is feeling well, or sometimes because of some family emergency if they are not able to attend the classes, then at that time they can record the lessons and watch them according to the comfort.

Why Vidya Setu for Online Classes

These all are the best advantages of online accountancy classes. Would you please read them and join free online courses at vidya set to complete the class 11 and 12 syllabus? Yes, you heard the right at vidya setu all lessons for every student are free. They also can record those classes. At vidya setu, they can also check the update date sheet and syllabus of 11th and 12th. Also, they can quickly solve the problems or join the live doubt solving free of cost with the free notes.

Vidya setu provides the best environment for studies, which helps increase students’ focus on their studies. If students take online classes provided by the vidya setu, they can easily score the highest marks. 

Class 12 Syllabus of Accountancy for Term-1 and Term-2 exams 2022-2023

Here is class 12 accountancy updated syllabus for both term-1 and term-2 exams of session 2022-2023

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Theory: 40 Marks

Duration: 90 minute

   Units  Term 1 (MCQ Based Question Paper)  Marks  

  Part A  Accounting for Partnership Firms  

  1 Fundamentals 18  

  2 Change In Profit Sharing Ratio  

  3 Admission Of A Partner  

  1  Company Accounts: Accounting For Shares 12  

  Part B  Analysis of Financial Statement  

    Financial Statement of a Company(i) Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet in the prescribed form with major headings and subheadings (as per Schedule III to the Companies Act, 2013)(ii) Tools of Analysis – Ratio Analysis 10  

    Accounting Ratios  


     Computerized Accounting 10  

    Overview 0f Computerised Accounting SystemAccounting Application of Electronic Spreadsheet  

     Total Theory  40  

    Project Work (Part -1)  


Syllabus of Term-2 Exams 2022-2023

Accountancy (Code No. 055) Class-XII (2022-23)

Theory: 40 Marks

   Units  Term 2  Marks  

  Part A  Accounting for Not-For Profit Organisations 10  

  1  Accounting for Partnership Firm 12  

  2 Retirement And Death Of A Partner  

  3 Dissolution Of Partnership Firms  

  1  Company Accounts: Accounting For Debentures 08  

  Part B  Analysis of Financial Statement  

    Financial Statement of a Company(i) Comparative And Common Size Statements 10  

    Cash Flow Statement  


     Computerized Accounting 10  

    Using Computerised Accounting SystemDatabase Management System  

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     Total Theory  40  

    Project Work (Part -2) 10  


Final Say

This article explained the advantages of online accountancy classes and how online courses can save you time and money and give flexibility according to your comfort. Also, if you want to score the highest marks, then join vidya setu. Here study material for every student of class 12 is free of cost. Although, we also mention the updated syllabus of class 12 accountancy for term-1 and term-2 exams 2022-2023

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Last Update: May 9, 2022