You’ve read thoroughly for the exam with many sleepless nights and hard-working days. You have prepared extensively for your SAT Test by practicing questions, having a study plan, having a private tutor, taking online courses, having a study partner, setting a goal for yourself, and attending an SAT institute.

You feel confident about acing the test. However, you’re open to some last-minute tips to guarantee your success in your forthcoming exams. The countdown to the exams may be closer, maybe in a few more days or hours. Now, you have to make use of this time wisely to focus on completing your study plan. Here are some last minutes tips you can leverage to get you fully prepared.

1. Focus on your weak areas

Your weak areas are the areas you should concentrate on. The fact you are not conversant with that subject or topic, coupled with exam pressure can put you in a delicate situation. At this point, you should have gone through a sufficient number of past questions to identify these weak areas and be able to tackle them through reading and solving them directly from the practice questions. You should be able to know where you’ve made mistakes and analyze why you made mistakes in those areas.

2. Be Conscious of Time

Through practice questions, you should not only aim to choose the right answers but be fast in choosing them. You must track the amount of time you spend on each question and the amount you spend on the section generally. The more you practice on this, the more you get better and faster. Ideally, you shouldn’t be spending more than a minute on a particular question. The allocated time for each question is not sufficient. You should have a watch with you during the main exam, so you wouldn’t be surprised when the examiner ends the exam.

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3. Get Adequate Rest

This cannot be overemphasized. You should get rest so your brain will relax and be able to get in more information. A clustered brain only amounts to forgetfulness and uncertainty. You should be able to take some time to sleep strategically. Don’t forget yourself and sleep all the way. Remember you have an exam to prepare for. A duration of 7 to 8 hours of sleep is acceptable.

During this rest, you should eat properly, take fruits and maybe some light exercise. This will help your brain retainment capacity.

4. Take a Final Practice Test

You can take a Final Practice test a day before the exam. Put yourself in real exam conditions with no distractions and a timer to time yourself effectively. This will help you control your time, build confidence in yourself and familiarize yourself with the questions and the test structure. You can have a guardian or someone you trust oversee what you do or you can do it by yourself.

5. Have all materials for the test ready

Appearance matters. You should dress appropriately having all essential materials ready for the test. You should pack them a night before, iron your clothes a night before, and make sure everything is set before you go to bed. This puts you at ease the next day as you wake up for the test. You can have more time to brush up on your key points in an easy-paced manner. Arranging your materials on time assures you of not leaving any of them at home as you go through the exam all. What are these materials?

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– Your registration ticket

– Your photo ID

– Your calculator

– Your wristwatch

– Your water and snacks

– Your pencils, sharpener, and eraser

6. Be Calm

Understandably, the pressure from the exams may be a little choking, but it is best to remain calm during the exam. Even if you may be facing issues, you are not getting your answers, or the time may be far spent. A calm mind gives you the ability to make the best decisions. A simple exercise that has proven effective is closing your eyes and taking deep breaths at intervals. This calms your nerves and puts you in a better position to answer correctly. Also Read Clevo NH70

7. Skip questions

In case you encounter a seemingly difficult question, do not waste too much time on them, if it is advisable to skip them for the time being. Proceed to easier questions and get them done quickly. After you’re done with the easier questions, you can come back to the hard ones. You may find solutions to those questions by the time you come back. However, if you still do not have your answers, you can take guesses. You may have just chosen the correct option.

8. Make good use of your breaks

There is usually time allocate for breaks during SATs. You should make good use of time to cool off and relax your brain. You can go to the bathroom, drink water, and eat some snacks. This will help you calm down more and be mentally prepared for the next phase. This can also be a time to reflect on what you have read in preparation for the subsequent sections. You can go over your key points

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9. Cross-check your Answers

If you still have time after you’re done with a particular question, it is advisable to go over your answers. This is to ensure you made the right choice, and check for mistakes. You may know the correct answer but may have chosen the wrong option by mistake due to tension. Make sure you fill your answer sheet correctly.

10. Focus

Remember that SAT is a multi-hour marathon of short tests. You would have to write four sections at different times, in between breaks. You must focus on the particular section of your writing at that moment. Many students make the mistake of thinking about the section they’ll write after or they reminisce about the already concluded section. This divides your attention and causes you to be distract.


Listed above are tips recommend by some SAT institutes. These tips are necessary to give the scores you most long for, that is if you adhere to them. All you need is an educated, confident and calm mind. Once you have these three attributes at your disposal, you’re definitely on your way to acing your SAT.


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Last Update: August 29, 2022